Chart the Course

Navigate Learning with Dr. Adams & Be Inspired

Dr. LaNysha Adams

Dr. LaNysha Adams delivers tailored guidance, actionable strategies, and motivational insights to activate Me Power for the following to unlock their full potential, thrive in their roles, and achieve personal and professional success:

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Engagement isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of success in higher education and the workplace.
As the saying goes, “People leave managers, not companies.” This sentiment rings true not only in the workplace but also in learning institutions. Research consistently highlights the pivotal role of positive relationships in student engagement and employee retention.
Did you know that nearly half of all Americans cite their boss as the primary reason for leaving a job? This statistic underscores the critical impact of leadership on satisfaction and success.
But here’s the kicker: according to Gallup, the majority of the world’s employees are quietly disengaging from their jobs. The same phenomenon is observed in higher education, where students may disengage and gradually withdraw without expressing dissatisfaction. Also known as “quiet quitting,” it’s really a silent exodus, leaving educators and institutions unaware until it’s too late.

Dr. LaNysha Adams has a solution! Watch this video.

TEDx Speaker

Dr. LaNysha Adams is the unmatched choice for a keynote speaker, commanding over 20 years of educational experience across school, district, and state levels. Currently serving as the Student Wellness Center Director at Santa Fe Community College, Dr. Adams leverages her expertise in applied linguistics and education at various levels to invigorate her public speaking engagements with dynamic energy. Dr. Adams doesn’t just deliver talks; she inspires and drives transformation. Her stage presence is captivating, driven by a passionate commitment to redefining professional development as an ongoing journey of unlearning, learning, and relearning.
Her captivating story of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest resonates deeply with audiences, instilling in them a wellspring of resilience, courage, and an unwavering determination to confront challenges head-on, even against overwhelming odds. Audiences leave inspired, with a clarified understanding of the frequently misunderstood term “empower,” fostering a strong belief in their ability to surmount obstacles through individual and collective empowerment.
Dr. LaNysha Adams, with a significant social media presence and features on prestigious platforms like The Roland Martin Show, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox Business, Washington Business Journal, and Reader’s Digest, seamlessly combines cutting-edge insights with genuine authenticity. Her impactful and inspiring keynote addresses leave a lasting impression, making her an invaluable choice for any event.


Inspired by Dr. LaNysha Adams’ multiple award-winning bestseller, Me Power, her signature keynote, “Empowered Excellence: Unlocking Your Potential for Personal & Professional Success,” directly addresses the problem of disengagement and uncertainty in today’s rapidly evolving world.
In her keynote, Dr. Adams provides attendees with the tools, insights, and inspiration needed to address core issues, including disengagement and uncertainty. Attendees will gain:

Popular Speaking Topics


Explore Dr. LaNysha Adams’ speaker reel to see her engaging presentations.
Witness how she captivates audiences and delivers empowering messages that inspire change. Experience Me Power in motion.



Panel Discussions

Master of Ceremony (Moderator)

Ready to take your event to the next level? Contact Dr.
LaNysha Adams today to book her for your next conference, workshop, or corporate event.


Step 1:

Don’t miss out! Submit your speaking inquiry on the contact form today and provide the exciting details of your event, audience, and speaker budget.

Step 2:

Get ready for an energizing conversation! Within 48 hours, expect a follow-up from Dr. Adams to arrange a complimentary planning call. During this call, she will explore how best to cater to your audience’s needs and aspirations.

Step 3:

Secure your spot on Dr. Adams’ calendar! Once details have been ironed out, expect to receive a contract crafted specifically for your event’s needs and objectives.
Whether you’re looking to inspire your team, kick off a major event, or provide valuable insights at an industry conference, Dr. LaNysha Adams is the ideal choice for your next keynote speaker. Attendees will gain practical strategies and inspiration to overcome challenges, embrace uncertainty, and achieve personal and professional success.

Santa Fe, NM

Dr. LaNysha Adams is available to speak in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


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"Dr. Adams is a trifecta of success! First, she clearly demonstrates her expertise by smoothly interweaving theory-research-practice connections. Second, she understands who her audience is by presenting this knowledge in ways that novices and experts alike in the discipline can grasp the research topics. Third, she is ever the pro at keeping her presentation student-centered, building upon questions and comments that come from those listeners; this final point emphasizes her comfort with her work by not sticking to a prepared script but rather moving with the flow of the room."
Drew Fagan Ph.D
Associated Clinical Professor, University of Maryland
“Dr. Adams’ session was an absolute hit, and we've had nothing but positive feedback from the students and faculty who attended! We were very pleased with the turnout and engagement during the event. With 3,000 students from 15 countries, we hope to have her return next year.”
Vaibhav Gupta
Alliances & Marketing Head, iSchool Connect
“Dr. LaNysha's story is incredible! Do you realize it's a one-in-ten chance to survive a sudden cardiac arrest? She's not just talking about heart health; she's out here living it and teaching us all.”
Roland Martin
Award-Winning Journalist
“LaNysha is the consummate professional! Her energy is contagious, and her ability to problem solve and create solutions is so needed.”
Karen Snyder
Certified Speaking Professional